A downloadable prototype for Windows and macOS

heyyyy thanks for trying my prototypes!!!

detectiveFidgetTest is a test of an anxiety gameplay mechanic where you try to match your body language with what you're saying.

statementSaveTest is a prototype for an investigation mechanic where you need to figure out why certain pieces of evidence matter in order to solve a case.

possible deductions change based on evidence deductions and conversations with other characters. when you have enough pieces that point towards a specific character, the game will give you the option to end or continue investigating

sorry this is um... This Is A Bit Of A Mess i have instructions for each install

  • detectiveFidgetTest has a fidget and an investigation prototype. the investigation prototype is near unplayable, and the investigation system had a serious rework in the statementSaveTest file. for your own sanity my god do not play the investigation part of detectiveFidgetTest she's rough
  • statementSaveTest doesn't have clearly laid out instructions whoops but:
    • colored text is clickable. 
    • blue text will provide you with new actions/recipients/reasons in order to make deductions for evidence. 
    • red text will provide you with new context for information you already have.
    • purple text... is supposed to warn you that you'll have to make a decision between two possible, very closely related conclusions. but i forgor and ended up making the ones with those questions also blue.
    • you can make deductions on evidence, but the prototype is not currently primed to give you feedback when you make a deduction that lines up with a possible conclusion.
    • i know the blue and purple are hard to read listen i don't always think that far ahead i made this in like two days

thanks for giving it a shot! any and all feedback is welcome!


detectiveFidgetTest-1.4-mac.zip 85 MB
detectiveFidgetTest-1.4-pc.zip 91 MB
statementSaveTest-1.0-mac.zip 30 MB
statementSaveTest-1.0-pc.zip 35 MB

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